23 Sept 2021

Fallen Hero's / Jolly 85 / 102nd ARRS / Jolly Green Giant

13 June 1978
Jolly 85
102d ARRS
HH-3E #69-5800

On the 13 June the HH-3 with its seven crew were returning to their base at Westhampton Beach, NY after a water rescue training mission from Plattsburgh. After encountering inclement weather the HH-3 turned back to Plattsburgh, but in the low visibility crashed into the Trembleau Mountain. All of the crew were awarded the states Conspicuous Service Medal from New York state Governor.

Jolly 85 Crew

Capt. John D. Sfeir

Capt. John W. Kleven

Flight Engineer
TSgt. Ronald H. Allen

Flight Engineer
TSgt. Ralf J. Tomassone Jnr.
MSgt. Allan C. Snyder
SSgt. Scott B. Hursh

SSgt. David D. Lambert


  1. This was a tragic lost of life for the Suffolk County 102 ARRS ANG. I know the PJ’s from the unit memorialize this every year. Thanks for the post!

  2. Ronnie talked me into him taking my place for the trip. I should have been on that aircraft... Rest in peace guys, its late but I still think about you all, Paul Mercready just departed to be with you all......

  3. jollyg@verizon.net13 June 2022 at 03:17

    PJ Alumni and friends will meet on June 13th at the Triangle Pub at noon in Eastport NY and remember.

  4. Always with me my friends.

  5. I was a crew chief and flight engineer on UH-1N helicopters based in Plattsburgh from 1976-1980.

    As a 19 year old kid, I remember eating, drinking and training with the crew of Jolly 85. On that tragic day, I topped off the gas, started them up and gave the AC the final salute only to find out only an hour or so later what happened. Sadly, recovered all remains that afternoon.

    I'm very proud of my time in the Air Force and loved being a part of an air rescue operation. Most all good times however that tragic day was the lowest.

    Sgt. Jon Williams
    Det 18 - 38th ARRS
    Plattsburgh AFB, NY

    RIP fellow and fallen brothers.

    1. Moments like that stay with you forever, especially when you're only 19. Its good that you remember the good times, unfortunately the few tragic ones can be more clearer.
      Thank you for sharing your story, thank you for sharing it, and finally thank you for your service. I'm sure theres a few more people alive today, because of either your direct or indirect actions due to you flying rescue.👣

  6. I was a lucky kid - flying all over the Adirondacks Nap of Earth with doors open and legs hanging out. Some of the best days of my life.

  7. And nobody was shooting at me!

  8. Scott Hursh was our class leader going through the pipeline and PJ School!!! He is missed...
