20 Nov 2022

Welcome to The USAF Jolly Green Giant Collection

Knowledge has no value unless you share it.

The initial purpose of this blog was to showcase the patches I've collected over the years and share my passion for them. Over time, it has evolved to also impart the knowledge I've gained during my patch collection journey. I want this platform to be a place where you, too, can share your patch-related knowledge and stories with others. Its not a site where yo just get pictures of patches with little or no description, there are a few out there and they serve little purpose. Here you'll fond a little bit of history about them from basic facts to superb stories on why and when they were made. The site celebrates the remarkable work of the men and women associated with the Jolly Green Giants, from their historical roots in Vietnam to their continued service around the world.

The Jolly Green Giants have a rich history, spanning various conflicts, and this blog aims to rekindle memories and encourage you to get in touch, share your heritage through stories, pictures, or patches. Each patch has a unique history within a squadron, created for various reasons, including daily use, morale, exercises, operations, or unit cohesion. Whether you're interested in aviation, have ties to a Squadron, or have relatives who served, this blog offers insights into what these individuals did, where they served, and what aircraft they operated.

Furthermore, it emphasizes the human aspect, acknowledging that those who wear these patches are fathers, mothers, husbands, wives, sons, daughters, and more. The site hopes to provide a glimpse into their roles within the Jolly Green Giant community. Without them, the Jolly Green Giant would be incomplete.

This blog is a continuous project with new articles regularly added. Contributions of information, photos, and comments are vital as they help improve and evolve the site. The motto at the top of the page underscores the importance of using and sharing knowledge. The blog also welcomes those who wish to sell or trade patches, with an invitation to contact the author to contribute to the USAF Jolly Green Patch Collection and share in their passion for these helicopters, pilots, PJ's, and crew with the internet community. Donations are also accepted to enrich the collection on your behalf.
I welcome anyone interested in the history of the USAF's Jolly Green Giants/Units to explore and learn from my collection. The main goal is to share both my collection and the knowledge I have about it with anyone who shares an interest in this topic.
Thanks for your visit and hope you enjoy my collection. If you have anything to share please contact me via email at usafjollygreen@gmail.com 

Welcome to the Valley!


Copyright reserved by AMR©


  1. Hi, facundo told me a fellow brit had a great site, very impressed and would like to see more. Neiltipp@aol.com

  2. Just subscribe to the blog & you'll get to see everything I post. Theres lots more to come......

  3. Great Blogsite and amazing Jolly Green Collection. Definitely a great resource guide. Keep it up AMR! Cheers.

  4. Thanks for the supportive comments. Keep coming back to see more.....

  5. Have you any info about CH-3s used in Air Commando Squadrons? My 605 Air Commando Sqd used 12798/12799 in the Panama Canal Zone, 1967-1972. Great site!

    1. Thanks for the question. As far as I'm aware there were no Air Commando Squadrons that operated the CH-3, the 20th and 21st flew the CH-3 in Vietnam but were Special Operations Squadrons.
      All other CH-3 units were ARRS units.
      The 605th was based in Panama between 1963-1968 and operated the U-10, A-26K, C-47 and T-28. Fantastic unit and lovely patch.
      Hope this helps, and thanks for the supportive comments.

  6. Would you know if 12798 and/or 12799 eventually did Jolly Green duty?

  7. They were assigned to the 39th ARRW's Detachment 2 at Howard AB in Panama. 12799 was operational at Davis-Monthan & is now on display at Warrior park. It still doesn't have side fuel tanks & an air to air refuelling probe.

  8. Am trying to help a Jolly, Capt Mike Barber, NKP, '69-'70. Any information, recollections, photos, etc would be greatly appreciated! Thanks, Charlie Bartz (Nail 74), intoc@hotmail.com

    1. I'll post to a few other sites I know to help.

  9. Regarding your page https://jollygg.blogspot.com/2021/10/fallen-heros-index.html linking to the story of A1C Pitsenbarger's loss, the HH-43F involved was tail number 63-9711 (Call sign "Pedro 73"). Jim Burns, USAF RotorHeads

    1. Thanks Jim, I'll make the amendments.
